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11:40 PM Thursday, June 2, 2011 back to top home

12:19 AM back to top home

Doing CIP at Westwood today made me realise that everyone yearns to be acknowledged.

We worked with students with Down Syndrome. Granted, they may take a longer time to carry out instructions, and this requires increased understanding from our part. However, when they do eventually manage to accomplish a given task, there is immense joy on their faces. Perhaps the very least that we could do to help those with disabilities is to help them feel happy and provide them with a sense of belonging.

"I don't care if you're black, white, straight, bisexual, gay, lesbian, short, tall, fat, skinny, rich or poor. If you're nice to me, I'll be nice to you. Simple as that."
— Eminem

11:47 PM Tuesday, May 31, 2011 back to top home

Damn true.

3:17 AM back to top home

Can't sleep...O well...I guess I'll finally blog instead of wasting my life tossing & turning around my bed ._.

Monday was quite eventful. We had our team buffet lunch at Swiss hotel, followed by electing our exco committee; To cut a long story short - JX was appointed captain, and Bryan as vice; And Gen & Jo respectively for the girls

Y'all have my full support(: Do everyone proud!

Perhaps there's more to be appreciative of, rather than to be hateful for.

I've had quite a blast in AC, and I dare say that things would've turned out so much differently if I hadn't taken the risk to reject my DSAs to TJ and SA last year.

The friends. The bowling team. The culture. The class. The outings. The friends. Basically everything.

And especially the following people for making my experience an enjoyable one:

Courtney & Shannen:For being there when my life seemed to hit rock bottom, and for being awesome mentors:D

Gen & Joelle: For all the late night convos when I couldn't sleep, and the daytime convos for adivce. And maple x)

Jia Xuan: The best is always saved for the last. That's why you're here(: I owe you a lot since the start of this year, and it's just too much to mention here. Im especially grateful that you're really understanding and easy to talk to; I still remember you're the first person whom I talked to in sec 1, and though things have gone all over the place since then, I'm just glad it's all over, and I can trust you with everything that's on my mind again(: All the best in leading everyone!

"Our hearts our hopes our aims are one. No discord e'er will sever" - This part of the school anthem definitely captures my heart the most.